Our analysts are going to be using Excel to dig into the data so let's setup a simple way to get it to them. We can run a script for this or we can use psql
psql cassini -c "\copy (select * from enceladus.results_per_flyby) to '//FILESHARE/results_per_flyby.csv' header csv;
Running a SQL script can be easier, and also a bit more flexible. The first command will output the results of our analysis view (rollups by flyby). The second will dump the overall result:
set search_path='enceladus';copy (select * from enceladus.results_per_flyby) to '//share/results_per_flyby.csv' header csv;copy (select inms.source, chemistry.name as compound, chemistry.formula, sum(inms.high_sensitivity_count) as sum_high, sum(inms.low_sensitivity_count) as sum_lowfrom flybysinner join inms on flyby_id = flybys.idinner join chemistry on chemistry.molecular_weight = inms.massgroup by inms.source, chemistry.name, chemistry.formula)to '//share/overall_results.csv' header csv;
And that's it!